4 Brand new plays, conceived, cast, written, rehearsed, and produced, all in 24 hours!

On Friday evening, August 23, 4 writers will assemble at our Main Street studio along with directors and actors to randomly select cast members and determine other details about 4 brand new and original plays! The writers will then spend the night creating their individual scripts, crafting a story written for the cast members they were assigned. The next morning, the directors and actors will get the scripts, begin rehearsing their completely new and original short productions. Then that evening, Saturday, August 24, exactly 24 hours after the initial meeting, audience members will gather to witness these newly created theatre pieces!

We want you to be involved!

This is a great, low-key, low-commitment way to be involved in an exciting theatre project! The scripts will be short, and you’ll be working with great directors and writers to put together a fun and entertaining show! Please complete the form below to be involved (we are limited to a certain number of cast members, so sign up early for a part!).

(All actors must be available Friday evening at 7:00pm for the Project Kickoff, and Saturday from 10am through the evening to rehearse and perform! At this time we are limiting participation to individuals age 18 and older)